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Oh Snap!

This page has been temporarily hijacked by a malevolent entity 

Please accept this creepy doll photo as a token of our appreciation (and the sheer joy of freaking a few of you out.)  No need to thank us.

Please just hit the "back" button to return where things make more sense.

FB.api( '/1467611220646217/events', 'POST', {"data":"[{\"action_source\":\"website\",\"event_id\":12345,\"event_name\":\"TestEvent\",\"event_time\":1712904530,\"user_data\":{\"client_ip_address\":\"\",\"client_user_agent\":\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0\",\"em\":\"f660ab912ec121d1b1e928a0bb4bc61b15f5ad44d5efdc4e1c92a25e99b8e44a\"}}]","test_event_code":"TEST24580"}, function(response) { // EAAD5PXXZBhNIBOxQmtp6v6fcUnnfeZBZA8mSBPxVTLKdzA8qOZATZCehTRhmk6susfVIO87LnpBDwo7a59sXZAZBzotcLWeIUJ1cMUFNMjR2yPg9sct0Ja3MIZBCMZALK3Fq4eslcK2YssZAEU6sJ3Nd9pVehvxvuBMK9Qzlrjvo7pVOSuGs3RGQQhRpx02sPkmBl3wROy5E3NfGDVP5jLg77ZAqTRSmtZA87KkZD } );