The Terrell Ghost Walk & Paranormal Investigation Tour

Why just listen about other people's paranormal ghost stories, have one of your own?

Reservations Are Limited To 6 Guests Per Tour.  Don't Wait To Secure Your Spot!

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What Is The Terrell Ghost Walk & Paranormal Investigation Tour

Embark on a Journey Into The Paranormal Hotspots in Terrell's small business district. This is not just a tour, it’s an Opportunity To Open Up Communication With The Specters that still linger in the city of Terrell today.

Join us in Exclusive Groups Of Just 6 Guests each tour ensuring a Deeply Personal & Interactive Experience.  You’re not just an observer, you’re an active participant.

Guided by a knowledgeable tour guide, you’ll get Hands-On Experience With Commonly Used Paranormal Tools, such as the spirit box, dowsing rods, REM Pods, K2 meters, and the Ovilus.  All with the intention of reaching out to the spirits that call Terrell home.  

They’re Familiar With Us, And Often Willing To Communicate.  If the spirits are willing to speak, as they often do, it’s Real, Tangible, and Right in Front of You.

Whether you’re a firm believer in the paranormal, a curious skeptic, or somewhere in between, you’re welcome here.. So step into the unknown, and discover a side of Terrell you never knew existed even if you live here.

Hold Your Spot​​

You never know who might answer back...

Voices caught on the spirit box during the Terrell Ghost Walk

Join Us​​​​​

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