Janine truly enjoys hosting the Terrell Ghost Walk.  If you would like to gift her with a gratuity, it would be truly appreciated, but never expected.

  Leave Tip For​​​​​​ Janine

Other read reviews to decide whether or not they would like to attend the tour.  If you had a great time, we would appreciate an honest review.  Please leave us your thoughts on Google.

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 Paranormal Investigator / Tour Guide 


Janine is highly skilled and experienced in the use of dowsing rods.

She has conducted investigations at some of the most renowned haunted locations across the nation and is currently undergoing training with Rhine Research Center modules to ensure her skills remain up-to-date and refined.

Janine approaches the paranormal with a high degree of objectivity and seriousness. We are privileged to have her as a member of our team and as a tour guide.

Everyone agrees that Janine is a lot of fun on the tour.  Guests love her!

Contact Janine

Whether you are interested in our services, have a possible haunting, need some evidence reviewed, or just have questions to soothe your curiosity...

Just call or email:


 469-819-7757 (voice and text)

Email: tourguide@terrellghosts.com

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